Final Prayer Guides from Acts

I’m catching up on posting some of these prayer guides from our church’s Wednesday prayer gathering.  Posted below are the last two guides that we used from the book of Acts.  I went through that book of Scripture and found every passage with an occurrence of prayer, and used those passages to guide our own prayers.  There ended up being 17 weeks of those guides.  Here are weeks 16 and 17.  I hope they are helpful to you!  They could be used in an individual or group prayer time.

Prayer in Acts, Part 16 – Prayer Meeting 05112016

Prayer in Acts, Part 17 – Prayer Meeting 05182016



Tags: Prayer, Prayer Meeting, Acts, Paul, Gospel, Evangelism, Love, Faith, Sovereignty, Miracles, Hospitality, Encouragement

Greater Love Hath No Man

I just saw this article online.  The link below is to a story from last night about a 15-year-old boy named Zaevion Dobson who, in the midst of a gang shooting, jumped on top of three little girls to protect them from bullets.  He died from his injuries, and all three girls were saved from harm.  Amazing, selfless love.  I’m praying that God will bless and comfort his family.

Here’s the link:

This is an incredible illustration of Jesus’ words in John 15:13 about the greatest love being shown through laying down one’s life for his friends.  It also would powerfully illustrate many passages about Jesus’ sacrifice for us, like John 10:11, Romans 4:25, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 5:2,  1 Peter 3:18, and many more.

You could also share this illustration with youth who don’t think that they can make a difference before they are adults.  Zaevion Dobson proved that wrong.


Tags: Love, Sacrifice, Redemption, Gospel, John 10, John 15, Romans 4, Romans 5, Ephesians 5, 1 Peter 3, Youth

A Different Kind of Royal Baby

I am currently preaching through Matthew, and the timing was perfect last weekend for our message on the arrival of the wise men in chapter 2. That same weekend, the UK was on pins and needles waiting for the next royal baby. There was a hashtag (#greatkatewait), an 80-year-old man camping outside the hospital, and a live blog. All of this, for the second child of William and Kate, who will most likely never make it to the throne. This is how societies normally react to the arrival of important babies – especially royal ones.

That’s why the wise men initially went to Jerusalem in chapter 2 and presented themselves to Herod, assuming that the Baby would be at the palace or, at the very least, that Herod would know where He was. But Jesus was a different kind of royal Baby. This One, although infinitely greater than anyone in the British (or any other) ruling family, came humbly, born in a manger, to a poor carpenter’s family. During His ministry, He lived as a homeless Man. Finally, He endured brutal suffering and died a humiliating and excruciating death. He humbled Himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2). He is the King of Kings, yet He comes in grace and love and humility. And this makes Him all the more worthy of your worship.

Tags: Matthew 2, Philippians 2, Passion narratives